Is my Child Ready for Potty Training?

Is my Child Ready for Potty Training?

There’s a lot that goes into potty training. It’s important both YOU and your child are ready before you start! Let’s break it down:  

Skills required for potty training:

It’s important to note that not all of these skills are required BEFORE you start potty training. Additionally, some of these skills (like wiping yourself) may not be developmentally appropriate for the child to complete yet.

Cognitive Skills: 

Awareness of needing to go, we call this interoception in the OT world!

Interoception can be taught though one on one session with Emily OT OR taught by parents after a consulting session with Emily OT 

Dressing Skills: 

  • Pulling up and down pants

Gross Motor and Fine Motor Skills: 

  • Walking
  • Balancing while seated on potty
  • Ability to climb on to potty
  • Tearing toilet paper 
  • Manipulating toilet paper or wipes

Sensory Processing Abilities:

  • Tolerate noise of flushing toilet
  • Ability to handle poop and pee, possibly on hands 

Hand Hygiene: 

  • Wash and dry hands after going on potty

Tips & Tools for Smooth Potty Training!

Visual Aids: Sticker charts work amazing for potty training!

Timmers: These are helpful for both parents and kids to know when it is time to jump on the potty. 

Underwear: Getting your child to "buy-in" is key. One way to help this is having your child pick out the potty they use and their new big kid underwear. This will help build the excitement of training too. 

Potty Time: Children love to mimic their parents! Try using the potty when they use the potty :) 

Books: In preparation for potty training, try reading a few “potty books” to help your child prepare and get familiar with things. 

If you've pulled out all the stops and are still running into roadblocks potty training your child, feel free to book a free 15 minute call with me. I'm happy to help!

Emily Schreiber OTD, OTR/L

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