Solving The Challenges of Summer!

Solving The Challenges of Summer!

Summer is a fun and special time for the entire family! There are so many memories made and fun adventures, but also lots of challenges for both parents and kids. The change in routine can be a difficult thing for kids to cope with. 

Below are a few ways to solve summer challenges to ensure you have more fun than tears!

Visual Schedules

I love visual schedules, not only for summer but for all times of the year. You can make one yourself or find many options on Etsy or Amazon. A visual reminder can help your kids be more independent, require less reminders, and help foster autonomy at a young age. 

Visual schedules are going to be unique to your family's needs. If you have a set morning and evening routine that you’d like your child to follow, I suggest making your own visual schedule or purchasing a custom one. 

If your family has a different morning schedule each day, opt for a wipe board or velcro option that can be easily adapted. If you need help getting started, I often help families implement visual schedules using a rewards system. Book a free 15-minute call with me and we can discuss this further! 

Quiet time  

A quick reset is not only important for parents but also for children. If your kids are still at a napping age, then this will already be built into your summertime routine. If you have older kids, adopt a quiet time each day where they play or read books in their room independently.

This helps to build structure into each day. Although the routine may vary from day to day, consistent quiet time is hugely valuable for both your child and you!

Here’s a few quiet time activities that I love: 

Promoting High-Quality Sleep

Early Morning Outside Time

Many research studies examining adults have found that exposure to the sun soon after waking up can result in a better night's sleep. There are limited studies examining children, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a similar result was found.

Sleep schedules will vary in the summer due to many factors, so anything to promote better sleep for kiddos can be a lifesaver to the family climate.

Consistent Sleep Routine 

We know consistent bedtime and wake times are crucial, but this isn’t always possible in the summer. To combat this, try using a Hatch Sound Machine. Each morning it will wake your child using light and music at the time you set.

This can be especially useful after a late night out with friends and family celebrating the Fourth of July - you can easily move their wake time back an hour or two and since they’re already in the habit of waiting until they see the green light to get out of their room, they likely won’t notice the change.

Plus, they’ll benefit from the extra zzz’s and so will you!

Academic Support

Summer is a great time to continue growth and learning! I encourage parents to set aside 15-20 minutes of academic time during 3-4 days of the week. While sometimes challenging, it can be extremely beneficial for your child.

Try using the Summer Bridge workbooks I’m a huge fan of them - check out a couple below: 

For older kids, I recommend getting a composition journal to continue working on their handwriting and idea-generation skills.

If you are struggling to get your child excited about summer learning, have them go with you to pick out the learning book. I recommend going to Lakeshore Learning in Nashville. 

Summer is a great time for focused and intentional occupational therapy so you’re ready for the next school year. I love working with kids and families in the summer because it’s such a unique time to address our therapy goals.

If you’re interested in working together, feel free to book a free 15-minute call with me - I’d love to chat!

Emily Schreiber OTD, OTR/L

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